Settings... The Settings dialog allows you to choose between existing Strategram sets you want to play with. A single mouse click on a particular setting will preview that setting in the Strategram window. A double click will immediately affect that choice. Additionally, you will find in the Settings dialog features for: creating new settings to be saved for later use, changing attributes, defining the default setting, renaming and removing settings. The available options are: New: Use this option to create a new setting of you own design. Clicking the New button brings up a dialog requesting you to provide a title for your new setting. Enter a name to replace the default "New Setting" title and click OK. A corresponding new setting will then be added to the list of settings. Note that the setting you have just created duplicates the existing attributes, such as: board colors, piece design and orientation. To change these attributes select your new setting in the list and then click on the Modify button. Modify: Use this option to change setting attributes and saving them in a named setting for future access. The Modify feature initiates the Preferences dialog where you affect your changes and then saves the changes to the selected setting. See the Help item for Preferences... for more details. Rename: Use this feature to rename an existing setting's title. Select the setting you want to rename and click the Rename button. A dialog will appear where you can provide a new title to replace the existing one and click OK. Remove: Use this feature to remove a setting from the list of settings. Removing a setting is reversible by clicking the Cancel button, but once you click the OK button it is irreversible therefore make sure you remove the correct setting before you click OK. Default: Use this option to define a specific setting as the default setting, which means that this setting will be used when you start the Strategram application. Select a setting of your choice and then click the Default button. _______________________________ Press OK when you want your choices implemented. The Cancel button will not undo most changes made to settings therefore it is a good idea to make changes to a duplicate of an existing setting rather than directly on the original.